1st Webinar for PATIENTS with EURACAN ERN physician expert on THYMOMA and THYMIC CARCINOMA

Update on Thymic Tumors and future prospectives

This webinar is aimed to share information and knowledge on thymic tumors giving patients the opportunity to have information directly from experts. It also aims to promote discussion among paramount multidisciplinary speakers and promote collaboration between patient and physicians all over Europe.

The second session will be held “country specific” and will give patients the opportunity to discuss and interact with their country expert on Thymic tumors in their own language.

Patients with a thymoma or thymic carcinoma face several problems such as having limited information about the disease or reference centers; difficulty in making a timely and appropriate diagnosis, resulting in delayed or inadequate treatments; limited access to appropriate clinical expertise and limited access to available treatments.
EURACAN ERN is a network of European Healthcare Providers with expertise in the management of rare adult solid cancers as thymoma and thymic carcinoma. Thanks to EURACAN’s structure, clinicians and researchers across Europe can share expertise, knowledge and resources.
European Reference Networks (ERNs) are based on the founding principle of a patient-centered approach. The contribution and perspective of patients and their representatives is key to support the mission of ERNs in improving the quality and standard of care and the clinical research available for people living with a rare, complex disease.
TUTOR (rare thoracic tumors) is the Italian non-profit organization for patients with thymic tumors and mesothelioma and is E-PAG (European Patient Advocacy Group) E-PAG is the patients voice collaborating closely with ERN’s coordinator and physicians to enhance access to care and foster research.


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    Country specific session - Any question for speakers? Please questions in english

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